Columbus , US
18-03-2025 |19 Ramaḍān 1446 AH

Hazrat Musa A.S

Allah is the only God of east, west, and the whole world and He can do whatever He will. He has control over everything.

Reference: Aqwal E Zareen Ka Encyclopedia by Najma Mansoor

Respect your parents. Do not kill people. Do not steal form people. Don't attempt vulgarity. 

Reference: Aqwal E Zareen Ka Encyclopedia by Najma Mansoor

Thank Allah for the kind acts and not be of those who are thankless.

Reference: Aqwal E Zareen Ka Encyclopedia by Najma Mansoor

The one who does not believe in Allah and do not stand by his promise will suffer loss.

Reference: Aqwal E Zareen Ka Encyclopedia by Najma Mansoor

Do not covet your neighbor's wife, slave, handmaid, or possessions.

Reference: Aqwal E Zareen Ka Encyclopedia by Najma Mansoor

Surely, the wrongdoers will never be prospering.

Reference: Aqwal E Zareen Ka Encyclopedia by Najma Mansoor

Indeed Allah does not help corrupters. 

Reference: Aqwal E Zareen Ka Encyclopedia by Najma Mansoor

The one who tell lies will always be disappointed.

Reference: Aqwal E Zareen Ka Encyclopedia by Najma Mansoor

Allah Pak is the most merciful of all.

Reference: Aqwal E Zareen Ka Encyclopedia by Najma Mansoor

Speak good to people, offer your obligatory prayers, treat your parents, relatives, orphans, and needy with kindness

Reference: Aqwal E Zareen Ka Encyclopedia by Najma Mansoor

If you have believed on Allah then have trust on him and do not speak false about Him so He does not give you a torment.

Reference: Aqwal E Zareen Ka Encyclopedia by Najma Mansoor