Aries: 21st March to 20th April, Leadership, Officer, Army Job, Engineering, Police job, Sports, Dentistry, menagerie and business are appropriate professions.
Taurus: 21st April to 21st may, performing responsible matters, the leadership of any organization, architecture, agriculture, civil service, jewelry making, music, and acting are appropriate professions.
Gemini: 22nd May to 21st June, tourism, mediation, authorship, literature, poetry, clerics and import export are appropriate professions.
Cancer: 22nd June to 23rd July, Fishing, shipping, hotel business, Real Estate are appropriate business.
Leo: 24th July to 23rd August, leadership of any organization, welfare system configuration, social work, acting, personal business, leadership and government are appropriate professions.
Virgo: 24th August to 23rd September, personal business, teaching, poetry, literature, psychologist, philosopher, nursing, medical, accounting are best professions.
Scorpio: 24th September to 23rd October, literature, poetry, art, music social work, business for beauty products are appropriate professions.
Sagittarius: 23rd November to 21st December, Islamic obligations, advocacy, philosophy, psychology, civil service, army employment, teaching and spirituality are appropriate professions.
Capricorn: 22nd December to 20th January, teaching, accounting, Islamic obligations, Scientist, civil service, agriculture and business professions will be appropriate.
Aquarius: 21st January to 19th February, scientist, photography, literature, poetry, psychology, television, radio, and computer making are best professions.
Pieces: 20th February to 20th March, poetry, psychology, art, charity work, fishing, are appropriate professions.
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