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31-03-2025 |3 Shawwāl 1446 AH

Beneficial Monthly Aamaal for each Islamic Month

1st Night of Shawwal (Night of Eid al Fitar)


The first night of Shawwal is one of the blessed nights. Many narrations have referred to the great merits and rewards of those who spend this night, as a whole, with acts of worship. Moreover, some narrations have mentioned that this night is not less blessed than the Qadr Night. The devotional acts at this night are as follows:

First:    It is recommended to bathe oneself at sunset.


Second:    It is recommended to spend the whole night with offering prayers, supplicating, imploring for forgiveness, and staying at mosques.


Third:    It is recommended to say the following doxology after the obligatory Maghrib Prayer, Isha’ Prayer, Fajr Prayer, and the ‘Id al-Fitr Prayer:

اَللّٰہُ اَکْبَرُ اَللہُ اَکْبَرُ لَآ اِلٰہَ اِلَّا اللهُ وَاللهُ اَکْبَرُ اللهُ اَکْبَرُ وَ لِلّٰہِ الْحَمْدُ الْحَمْدُ لِلّٰہِ عَلٰی مَا ھَدَان وَلَہُ الشُّکْرُ عَلٰی مَآ اَوْلٰنَا


Allah is Great . Allah is Great . There is no god save Allah. And Allah is Great. Allah is Great. (All) praise be to Allah. (We) sing the praises of Allah because He has shown us the Right Path. (We) gratefully thank Him because He takes care of us and looks after our interests.

Reference: Mafatih al Jinnan

You have landed on the right page if you are looking for detailed knowledge on Aamaal – including but not limited to: Amaal for Muharram, Safar, or any other Islamic month, or sacred days or nights like Aamaal for Ashura, Aamaal for Shab-e-Qadar, etc.

If you are a Shia, or have friends or colleagues who belong to the Shia sect, you might have seen them or heard from them about performing Aamaal for Safar, Aamaal for Rajab, Amaal for Muharram, etc.

Similarly, during the blessed month of Ramadan, you might have observed people around you perform specific Amaal for Ramadan. At Imamia Jantri, we ensure to provide you an easy access to all these Aamaals right on this page!

Importance of Aamaal

So what is meant by Aamaal? – Aamaal is the plural of the Arabic word ‘Amal’, which means an act or a deed. In Islam, it is associated with various prayers and Duas that are not mandatory, but have their own significance if performed the right way.

These specific prayers and acts are associated with the Prophets of Islam – and the way they used to perform them. In our modern-day lifestyle, a lot of us are not really aware of the precise and minute details about Amaals. However, if you have the right source of information, you would realize that performing them is no rocket science whatsoever.

On this page, you will find everything that you need to know about Amaals – in Arabic and with English translation as well. Moreover, if you have the Imamia Jantri Official app installed in your phone, you can even set reminders for specific Islamic dates so that you do not forget to perform an Aamaal that is to be performed on a specific day or night.

Authenticity of Aamaals

Just like with any other aspect of Islam, authenticity is a prime factor when it comes to references and quotations. As far as our collection of Aamaals is concerned, our authenticity is guaranteed since the past many decades by renowned Islamic scholars and speakers.

Here, you will find references for Aamaals from globally accepted books – for example Iqbal al-A’mal by Sayyid Ibn Tawus, Tahdhib al-Ahkam by Shaykh al-Tusi, etc. Also, the narrations are from renowned Islamic figures such as Rayyan ibn Shabib, Al-Muhaddith al-Fayd, etc.

Imamia Jantri Official

One of our primary goals at Imamia Jantri Official is to ensure you can gain easy access to religious knowledge and information with just a few clicks here on the website or through our app on your phone.

You do not have to waste your time and effort anymore surfing through the internet to get Islamic knowledge such as prayer timings, daily horoscopes, Aamaals, Duas, Ziaraat, etc. Here, you will find all the information that you are looking for!