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Columbus , US
18 Ramaḍān 1446 AH
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Dua Categories
Treatment of Flu (Health)
لايوجد بيانات
Misbah Ul Momineen P 564
Dua Categories
A Prayer For Leprosy Relife
A Prayer For Tenesmus Relife
A supplicatory prayer For stomach gurgling
Additional Daily Prayers
Ayatul Kursi
Date .1st Prayer
Date .2nd prayer
Date .3rd prayer
Date .4th prayer
Date .5th prayer
Date .6th prayer
Date .7th prayer
Date .8th prayer
Date .9th Prayer
Date 10th Prayer
Date 11th Prayer
Date 12th Prayer
Date 13th Prayer
Date 14th Prayer
Date 15th Paryer
Date 16th Prayer
Date 17th Prayer
Date 18th Prayer
Date 19th Prayer
Date 20th Prayer
Date 21st Prayer
Date 22nd Prayer
Date 23rd Prayer
Date 24th Prayer
Date 25th Prayer
Dua Abu hamza Al Thumali
Dua against warts
Dua During Ablution
Dua e Ahad with audio and Video Receiation
Dua e Ashraat
Dua e Faraj with Audio and Video Receiation
Dua e Hajaat
Dua e Hujab ( Ahtijaab )
Dua e kumail in Arabic, Audio and Video
Dua e Mashlool
Dua e Mazkoor
dua e noor kabeer
dua e noor sagheer
Dua e Tawassul in Audio and Video
Dua e Yastasheer
Dua For private parts pains
Dua for eye aches
Dua for Fever
Dua for getting cure from the diseases
Dua for increase in wealth
Dua For knee pains
Dua For mange, furuncle & herpes Relife
Dua For Morning & Evening
Dua for Nosebleed
Dua for protection of the house from collapse
Dua for protection of the house from Theft
Dua for repaying the debts
Dua For Shin pains
Dua for the .1st hour of Day
Dua for the .2nd hour of Day
Dua for the .3rd hour of Day
Dua for the .4th hour of Day
Dua for the .5th hour of Day
Dua for the .6th hour of Day
Dua for the .7th hour of Day
Dua for the .8th hour of Day
Dua for the .9th hour of Day
Dua for the 10th hour of Day
Dua for the 11th hour of Day
Dua for the 12th hour of Day
During Ruku (bowing down in prayer)
Etiquettes of applying kohl
Etiquettes Of Bedtime
For corona virus
For Corona virus Dua#2
For Rizq (sustenance)
Friday Prayer
Imam Zain al Abideen's Dua When Sick
In seeking asylum with God
Istighasa e Imam e Zamana A.s
Listen hadees e kisa in Audio and Video
Monday Prayer
Monday's Ziarat Of Imam Hassan A.s
Monday's Ziarat Of Imam Hussain A.s
Munajaat e Shabania
Munajaate Hazrat Ali A.s
Naad e Ali Sagheer
Prayer for back pain
Prayer for bladder pain
Prayer for blood boils and wounds
Prayer for Cardiac Pain
Prayer for chest pains Relife
Prayer for curing stomach pains
Prayer for deafness
Prayer for ear pain
Prayer for Heel and Sole pain
Prayer for legs pain
Prayer for Less visibility at night
Prayer for migraine healing
Prayer For Mouth aches Relife
Prayer for navel pain
Prayer for Piles
Prayer for sciatica
Prayer for severe pain below the ribs
Prayer for swelling and inflammation
Prayer for thigh pain
Prayer For toothache Relife
Prayer for tuberculosis
Prayer For vein and muscle pain
Prayers for headache relife
Prayers for Healing and Pains
Read and Listen dua e mujeer
Read dua e iftitah
Read dua e joshan kabeer
Read dua e makarimul akhlaq
Read dua e nudba
Read dua e sabah
Read dua e sabasab
Read dua e samaat
Read dua e tauba
Read nade ali kabeer
Read ziarat-e-nahiya
Read Ziarat-e-Warisa
Saturday Prayer
Saturday's Ziarat of Rasool e Khuda
Some Duas before leaving the house
Sunday Prayer
Sunday's Ziarat Of Hazrat Ali A.s
Sunday's Ziarat Of Hazrat Fatima Zahra S.a
Supplication when leaving for a journey
Thursday Prayer
Thursday's Ziarat Of Imam Hassan Askari A.s
To be save from Hell
Treatment of epilepsy
Treatment of Flu
Treatment of urinary incontinence
Tuesday prayer
Tuesday's Ziarat Of Imam Zain-ul-Abideen A.s , Imam Muhammad Baqir & Imam Jaffar e Sadiq A.s
Wednesday Prayer
Wednesday's imam Musa Kazim A.s, Imam Ali Raza A.s, Imam Muhammad Taqi A.s & Imam Ali Naqi A.s
Ziarat BiBi Masooma e Qum A.s
Ziarat e Aley Yaseen
Ziarat E Ameen Allah
Ziarat e Arbaeen
Ziarat e hazrat Abu Talib A.s
Ziarat e Hazrat Fatima Zehra S.a
Ziarat e Imam Ali Naqi A.s
Ziarat e Imam Ali Raza A.s
Ziarat e Imam Hassan A.s
Ziarat e imam Hassan Askari A.s
Ziarat e Imam Muhammad Taqi A.s
Ziarat e Imam Musa Kazim A.s
Ziarat e Imam Zain ul Abideen A.s, Imam Muhammad e Baqir , Imam Jaffar e Sadiq A.s
Ziarat e Jamia Kabeera
Ziarat e Rasool e Khuda Saww
Ziyarah of Imam al Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) on friday
Ahl-e-Bait a.s
Dua Abu hamza Al Thumali
Dua e Ahad with audio and Video Receiation
Dua e Ashraat
Dua e Faraj with Audio and Video Receiation
Dua e Hujab ( Ahtijaab )
Dua e kumail in Arabic, Audio and Video
Dua e Mashlool
Dua e Mazkoor
dua e noor kabeer
dua e noor sagheer
Dua e Tawassul in Audio and Video
Dua e Yastasheer
Istighasa e Imam e Zamana A.s
Listen hadees e kisa in Audio and Video
Munajaat e Shabania
Munajaate Hazrat Ali A.s
Naad e Ali Sagheer
Read and Listen dua e mujeer
Read dua e iftitah
Read dua e joshan kabeer
Read dua e makarimul akhlaq
Read dua e nudba
Read dua e sabah
Read dua e sabasab
Read dua e samaat
Read dua e tauba
Read nade ali kabeer
Additional Daily Prayers
Ayatul Kursi
Dua During Ablution
Dua For Morning & Evening
Dua for the .1st hour of Day
Dua for the .2nd hour of Day
Dua for the .3rd hour of Day
Dua for the .4th hour of Day
Dua for the .5th hour of Day
Dua for the .6th hour of Day
Dua for the .7th hour of Day
Dua for the .8th hour of Day
Dua for the .9th hour of Day
Dua for the 10th hour of Day
Dua for the 11th hour of Day
Dua for the 12th hour of Day
During Ruku (bowing down in prayer)
For Corona virus Dua#2
For Rizq (sustenance)
Friday Prayer
Monday Prayer
Monday's Ziarat Of Imam Hassan A.s
Monday's Ziarat Of Imam Hussain A.s
Saturday Prayer
Saturday's Ziarat of Rasool e Khuda
Sunday Prayer
Sunday's Ziarat Of Hazrat Ali A.s
Sunday's Ziarat Of Hazrat Fatima Zahra S.a
Thursday Prayer
Thursday's Ziarat Of Imam Hassan Askari A.s
Tuesday prayer
Tuesday's Ziarat Of Imam Zain-ul-Abideen A.s , Imam Muhammad Baqir & Imam Jaffar e Sadiq A.s
Wednesday Prayer
Wednesday's imam Musa Kazim A.s, Imam Ali Raza A.s, Imam Muhammad Taqi A.s & Imam Ali Naqi A.s
Ziyarah of Imam al Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) on friday
Date wise prayers for each Islamic month
Date .1st Prayer
Date .2nd prayer
Date .3rd prayer
Date .4th prayer
Date .5th prayer
Date .6th prayer
Date .7th prayer
Date .8th prayer
Date .9th Prayer
Date 10th Prayer
Date 11th Prayer
Date 12th Prayer
Date 13th Prayer
Date 14th Prayer
Date 15th Paryer
Date 16th Prayer
Date 17th Prayer
Date 18th Prayer
Date 19th Prayer
Date 20th Prayer
Date 21st Prayer
Date 22nd Prayer
Date 23rd Prayer
Date 24th Prayer
Date 25th Prayer
Dua for increase in wealth
Dua for repaying the debts
A Prayer For Leprosy Relife
A Prayer For Tenesmus Relife
A supplicatory prayer For stomach gurgling
Dua against warts
Dua For private parts pains
Dua for eye aches
Dua for Fever
Dua for getting cure from the diseases
Dua For knee pains
Dua For mange, furuncle & herpes Relife
Dua for Nosebleed
Dua For Shin pains
For corona virus
Imam Zain al Abideen's Dua When Sick
Prayer for back pain
Prayer for bladder pain
Prayer for blood boils and wounds
Prayer for Cardiac Pain
Prayer for chest pains Relife
Prayer for curing stomach pains
Prayer for deafness
Prayer for ear pain
Prayer for Heel and Sole pain
Prayer for legs pain
Prayer for Less visibility at night
Prayer for migraine healing
Prayer For Mouth aches Relife
Prayer for navel pain
Prayer for Piles
Prayer for sciatica
Prayer for severe pain below the ribs
Prayer for swelling and inflammation
Prayer for thigh pain
Prayer For toothache Relife
Prayer for tuberculosis
Prayer For vein and muscle pain
Prayers for headache relife
Prayers for Healing and Pains
Treatment of epilepsy
Treatment of Flu
Treatment of urinary incontinence
Dua for protection of the house from collapse
Dua for protection of the house from Theft
Etiquettes of applying kohl
Etiquettes Of Bedtime
In seeking asylum with God
To be save from Hell
Some Duas before leaving the house
Supplication when leaving for a journey
Read ziarat-e-nahiya
Read Ziarat-e-Warisa
Ziarat BiBi Masooma e Qum A.s
Ziarat e Aley Yaseen
Ziarat E Ameen Allah
Ziarat e Arbaeen
Ziarat e hazrat Abu Talib A.s
Ziarat e Hazrat Fatima Zehra S.a
Ziarat e Imam Ali Naqi A.s
Ziarat e Imam Ali Raza A.s
Ziarat e Imam Hassan A.s
Ziarat e imam Hassan Askari A.s
Ziarat e Imam Muhammad Taqi A.s
Ziarat e Imam Musa Kazim A.s
Ziarat e Imam Zain ul Abideen A.s, Imam Muhammad e Baqir , Imam Jaffar e Sadiq A.s
Ziarat e Jamia Kabeera
Ziarat e Rasool e Khuda Saww