Columbus , US
31-03-2025 |3 Shawwāl 1446 AH


Description: The Prophet (S) said, ‘Verily Allah hates the healthy-bodied idle person, who is neither concerned with his worldly life, nor the Hereafter.’[Sharh Nahjul Balaghah li B. Abi al-Hadid, v. 17, p. 146]

رسولُ اللّٰهِ (صَلَّيَ اللّٰهُ عَلَيهِ وَ آلِهِ): إنَّ اللّه‏َ يُبغِضُ الصَّحيحَ الفارِغَ، لا في شُغلِ الدنيا ولا في شُغلِ الآخِرَةِ.

Reference: [From Mizan al Hikmat -- Tanbih al-Khawatir, v. 1, p. 60]

Description: The Prophet (S) said, ‘There are two things most people are tested with: health and idleness.’

رسولُ اللّٰهِ (صَلَّيَ اللّٰهُ عَلَيهِ وَ آلِهِ): خَلَّتانِ كثيرٌ مِن الناسِ فيهِما مَفتونٌ: الصِّحَّةُ والفَراغُ.

Reference: [Mizan al Hikmat -- al-Kafi, v. 8, p. 152, no. 136]

Description: Imam Ali (a.s.) said, ‘From idleness comes desire.’

الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): مِن الفَراغِ تكونُ الصَّبوَةُ .

Reference: [From Mizan al Hikmat -- Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 9251]

Description: Imam Ali (a.s.) said, ‘Know that the world is a place of trial wherein there is no time a person can afford to be idle, for that time will be a source of regret for him on the Day of Resurrection.’

الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): اِعلَمْ أنَّ الدنيا دارُ بَلِيَّةٍ لم يَفرُغْ صاحِبُها فيها قَطُّ ساعَةً إلّا كانَت فَرغَتُهُ علَيهِ حَسرَةً يَومَ القِيامَةِ .

Reference: [From Mizan al Hikmat -- Nahjul Balaghah, Letter 59]

Description: Imam Ali (a.s.) said, ‘How deserving man is of having an hour where no one disturbs him!’

الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): ما أحَقَّ الإنسانَ أن تكونَ لَهُ ساعَةٌ لا يَشغَلُهُ عَنها شاغِلٌ!

Reference: [From Mizan al Hikmat -- Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 9684]

Description: Imam Ali (a.s.) said, ‘If work is endeavor, then continuous idleness is corruptive.’

الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): إنْ يَكُنِ الشُّغلُ مَجهَدَةً فاتِّصالُ الفَراغِ مَفسَدَةٌ.

Reference: [From Mizan al Hikmat -- Bihar al-Anwar, v. 77, p. 419, no. 40]

Description: Imam Zayn al-Abidin (a.s.) said in his supplication, 'O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household, and spare me the concerns which distract me, employ me in that which You will ask me about tomorrow, and let me pass my days [engaged] in that for which You have created me!'

الإمامُ زينُ العابدينَ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) ـ مِن دعائهِ في مكارمِ الأخلاقِ ـ: اللّهُمَّ صَلِّ علي محمّدٍ وآلِهِ، واكفِني ما يَشغَلُنِي الاهتِمامُ بهِ، واستَعمِلْني بما تَسألُنِي غَدا عَنهُ، واستَفرِغْ أيّامِي فيما خَلَقتَنِي لَهُ.

Reference: [From mizan al Hikmat -- al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya, supplication 20]

Description: Imam Zayn al-Abidin (a.s.), in his supplication said, '…and grant me health for the sake of worshipping [You], and idleness for the sake of reclusion.'

الإمامُ زينُ العابدينَ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) ـ أيضا ـ: وارزُقْنِي صِحَّةً في عِبادَةٍ، وفَراغاً في زَهادَةٍ.

Reference: [From Mizan al Hikmat -- al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya, supplication 20]

Description: Imam al-Kazim (a.s.) said, 'Verily Allah, most High, hates the servant who sleeps much; verily Allah, most High, hates the idle servant.'

الإمامُ الكاظمُ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): إنّ اللّه‏َ تعالي لَيُبغِضُ العَبدَ النَّوَّامَ، إنّ اللّه‏َ تعالي لَيُبغِضُ العَبدَ الفارِغَ .

Reference: [From Mizan al Hikmat -- al-Faqih, v. 3, p. 169, no. 3635]