Description: Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.), with regards to the verse:“He has made me blessed, wherever I may be”, said, ‘[Blessed means] very beneficial [to others].’
الإمامُ الصّادقُ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) ـ في قولِه تعالي: «وجَعَلَني مُبارَكا أيْنَما كُنتُ» ـ: نَفّاعاً.
Reference:[al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 165, no. 11]
Description: The Prophet (S) said, ‘Weigh your food, for there is blessing in weighed food.
Description: The Prophet (S) said, ‘Four things, of which even if only one enters a house, it will destroy it such that it will never again be able to flourish through blessing: betrayal, theft, wine-drinking, and adultery.’