The best quality of one is to behave with good intentions with the enemy.
If you don’t have the answer for someone, remain silent. Maybe you answer was not need needed.
The soul of worship is humility, just as the knee in the bone strengthens the limbs, so is the heart of humility in worship.
Beware of the people who distort the writing and saying of scholars.
The state of attraction is not ignorance, it is knowledge.
Try to avoid doubting as much as you can.
Do not let the doubt takes place in your heart and try to keep your heart clean and clear like a crystal. You will be saved from many troubles.
Treat your neighbour in the best way so that you may become a Muslim
Surrender to the will of Allah, you will be happiest.
Try to void Haram, you may become Abid.
My enemies cannot kill me as my heaven is in my heart, my murder is my shahadat, my exile in my tourism, my chest is my garden, and my prison is my seclusion.
Say the truth, forgive your enemy but do not forgive the enemy of God.
Take benefits from truth, it gives you everlasting victory.
Prisoner is the one who is surrounded by desires.